PREGNANCY // What To Pack In A Hospital Bag

What to pack in my hospital bag

Morning lovelies!

Something that is so overwhelming to do is pack your hospital bag. There is so much information on the web and this is just another post to confuse you! Kidding ;)

What I've done is put together a list of practical things that you should include in your hospital bag. What I found with my first is that I packed so many unnecessary things that I ended up giving my partner to take home after the first night.

What to pack in my hospital bag

Before we go into the list there are also a few point's I think we should talk about.

Pack your bag sooner rather than later. 
We know that babies arrive on their own schedule and we never know when they are going to arrive. If your pregnancy is considered 'normal' or 'low risk' then I would recommend packing at the beginning of your third trimester or around 30 weeks. Obviously if your LMC/doctor has advised that there are complications with your pregnancy it is probably better to be packed earlier on in the pregnancy.

Have a pile of clothes/sleepwear in a special place for if needed.
Sometimes when we get to the hospital we may realise that we have in fact forgotten something. It's so much easier to give your partner instructions like 'please bring in the pink night gown that's on the chair in our bedroom' instead of trying to describe where the night gown might actually be. It makes it less stressful for you and there is also less of a chance of your partner getting it wrong.

You are in charge of visitors - even at the hospital 
When you have a new baby everyone wants to come meet the new addition and have newborn snuggles but you need to put yourself as a higher priority. Simply tell the nurses that you need to rest and don't want any visitors until a certain amount of time - even if it is visiting hours and they will do their best to help keep people away. Even when your home, don't feel pressured to fill your schedule with guest's. Simply tell people you are sleep deprived and not up for visitors and most people will understand.

You might want to pack a light supply of makeup
Personally, what I looked like after giving birth was the last thing on my mind but I know that some people like to look semi human when they take their first/announcement photo's. I've left make up off my checklist that you can download as it comes down to personal preference and hey no one will judge you if you chuck on some BB cream for a few snaps!

So to download and print my practical checklist you can find it here -

I would recommend printing this off and having it sitting on top of your hospital bag so you can make sure you have everything before you go. Some things like phone chargers etc can't be added until moments before you leave the house so by crossing off as you go or highlighting what needs to be added ensures that you don't forget anything.

What did you find the most beneficial things to take to the hopsital?

I hope this checklist helps you!

Lipstick and love xx

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