PREGNANCY UPDATE // Week's 21 - 26

Pregnancy Update Second Trimester

Hola mamacitas! 
WOW this pregnancy is flying by (hope I haven't jinxed it) and im finding it hard to believe that i'm just about in the third trimester. Seem's like only yesterday I was battling with first trimester symptom's but its so nice that the second trimester has been enjoyable. Baby is growing really well and im starting to get everything prepared for his arrival. My first came early so i'm preparing for this one to come early too - i'd hate to be rushing at the last minute! 

Pregnancy Update Second Trimester
25 week bump's with first baby (2012) left and baby two on the right!

How far along? 26 week's + 5 days.

Maternity clothes: My gosh yes. This bump feel's like it grows overnight. I have a few 'maternity' pieces from different stores like ASOS and Kmart but i'm living in black leggings!

Sleep: Sleep has been good. As long as the very last thing I do each night is visit the bathroom I don't generally have to wake to use it. 

Miss anything? Nope! Im loving winter, spending time with my family and those movie nights in with my toddler.

Movement: HEAPS. It's almost on cue that every night I sit down to unwind and baby starts running marathons. 

Food cravings: I haven't craved anything since gherkins in my last update. Im not sure if I will crave anything as strongly as that!

Gender: Boy

Labour signs: N/A. I have been having braxton hick's about once a month. Thankfully they're bearable and not anything to worry about but im definately a lot more comfortable once they pass. 

Symptoms: - 

Belly button in or out? Not sure actually! I haven't checked. I can't see! I dont think it's out yet....

rings on or off? On but struggle to get them off. 

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy. I've been pretty melow the last few weeks (thankfully). 

Best moment this week:  The midwife visit is always such a special moment. It warms my heart that my toddler comes too as I have often given him the choice to stay at home with dad or come with me to the 'baby doctor' and hes always chosen to come because he get's to hear baby ashby's heartbeat. 

Looking forward to: The third trimester! 

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