Welcome To The World Little One!

Newborn Announcement

Hi lovelies! 

I thought it was about time I introduced you to the newest edition to my family. I thought it was only fair to do so as I have many loyal readers who have followed my pregnancy journey and I couldn't just leave it without showing you my wee babe. 

I don't post photo's of my children on my blog or social media. I think I have only ever posted two photo's of Mr 2 on my blog and made the conscious decision to keep them off it. Mainly for the reason that I choose to share my life and entire journey online, but I want them to have a bit of privacy and should they share their lives online when they're older than that is their choice. 

My last pregnancy update which you can catch up on here was way  back at around 30 week's. Unfortunately after I posted that update I had a few complications that put me in hospital for around three week's. It was an incredibly draining time, mentally and emotionally, and it needed all of our family and friends to pull together to get through it. We're still waiting for answers as to why I experienced these complications but atleast baby was fine.  

We were scheduled to go in for a cesarean section the morning of the 15th of September which means I would have been 38 week's pregnant. Normally cesarean's aren't performed before 39 week's unless there are medical reason's. However, at 5.33am on the morning of Monday 12th of September, my second son Noah made a speedy entrance to the world weighing in at 6 pound 13. 

Newborn Announcement

It's safe to say my family is complete and that we are enjoying all the little moment's with my boys. From the nappy changes to the beautiful look's  between Mr 2 and Noah. It is definitely a huge adjustment (more to come in a later post) and so we have been taking the time we need to adjust and find our feet. We have still been hibernating and have asked our friends to please just give us time to adjust and settle into a routine before coming for snuggles. 
Thank you to my blog readers too who reached out to me while I was in hospital and after I announced baby's arrival on instagram. It's so nice to share this journey with you!

Here's to the next step - babies, toddler's and life as a family of four! 

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