Morning Skin Care Routine

Hi doll's!

I've recently been thinking about all the skin care post's that I love reading and realised that I hadn't shared any with you. So last post I shared was my night time skin care routine and now I'm a little bit backwards (cause I like to be special) and am going to go through my morning skin care routine. 

Daytime Skin Care Routine
Pure Daydream cream by Victorias Secret, Garnier Perfect Blur
and Estee Lauder Day Cream x

1 - Coffee. 

My morning starts at seven am (if i'm lucky) with a toddler jumping on me so coffee needs to be mentioned as a life saver for even functioning! 

2 - Wash.

I love washing my face with good old H20. Warm water and a flannel does a great job in waking me up nicely and removing any sleep from my eye that might be lingering. 

3 - Moisturise. 
Lately I have been using this Victorias Secret Pure Daydream moisturiser in the mornings. It is fruity scented and has a slight shimmer to it. I also find this gives a nice glow to my skin for days where im not planning on wearing any make up. 

4- Day Cream.
Every other day of the week I will apply my Estee Lauder Day Cream. This is a beautiful smooth and creamy texture that really gets into the creases of your skin. I focus on my under eye area and on my décolletage because I feel like that is quite affected and neglected with day to day skincare products.

5) Apply make up or a Blur.

Here is when I would normally step in and apply my make up or any other products I would be using for that day. I am loving the blur's at the moment and Garnier Perfect  Blur is one that I am constantly using up and replacing. I can visibly see the difference and it gives my skin such a smooth matte finish. It's also very affordable and can be picked up doing the groceries!

6 - Sunscreen

So so important! This is going to be something you need on you twenty four seven with coming into summer. And it is always the days that are cloudy and overcast you get the most burnt from. Read my post on make up + Sunscreen here. 

Voila! There is my day to day routine. Mornings are hard for me as i'm not a morning person at all but they get easier with the help of coffee. 

What is your most important step in your skin care routine? Let me know below! 

Lipstick and love! xx

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