2016 Goals // Blogging + Personal

2016 Goals

Morning beautiful!

2016 is here and were already nearly a month into it. I had been putting of writing a post like this because i'm quite a personal person and have a fear of failure. So by posting my goal's publicly I have a fear of people knowing if I fail with them. However, on the flipside I also believe that if you write things down and put them out to the universe then it is easier to achieve. Crazy mind, right! 
Origionally I was going to just do a post focussing on blogging goals but then I thought why not include personal goal's too!


  • Grow engagement
I love getting comments on my blog post's. It's the thing that keeps me going. Knowing that there is someone out there that has taken 5 minutes of their life to read what i've written and has taken it seriously is something that I am greatfull for. I always try to comment on other blog's I love and I would love to get more comments on my post's. Anyone have tips to grow engagement?

  • Tidy Up My Blog
Something I have been working towards is trying to add the 'Read More' function into my post's. I need to go back through my blog and make sure all my post's have this feature. I find it easier to navigate on blogs that have this


  • Eat more fresh food
I would love to eat more food from the garden, make our own pasta and be more aware of what I put into my body, Easier said than done being a stay at home mum and trying to keep the house clean and kids alive while cooking dinner! 

  • Wake up happy
Something I have struggled with is being woken up every morning by someone else. My son is obviously ready at 6am but sometimes I wish I could sleep longer. Im making an effort this year to wake up and be happy. Appreciate the fact that im awake for another day, the sun is shining or that my son has woken me by kissing (and probably pulling my eyes open too). 

So these are what I am aiming for this year. I hope that I will be able to achieve most of them! Have you set yourself any goals? Do you have any tips for achieving these? 

Lipstick and love! xx

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