What's In My Beach Bag Guest Series // Mummy Do It

Morning sunshine!

Karen from Mummy Do It is guest posting on the blog today. Im so excited to have here share what she keeps in her beach bag! So let's jump straight in!......
Thank you, Analesha, for the opportunity to write a guest post for your beautiful blog! My name is Karen and you can find me at my blog Mummy Do It. I blog about the things I do as a mum to three young children (age 6, 4 and nearly 2). It's mainly about cooking, cleaning and trying to get my home organised. When Analesha asked for a guest post for her "What's in my..." I thought "What's in my Beach Bag" would be perfect as summer is now upon us. The days of grabbing a towel, drink, book and sunblock and heading off when I feel like it are long gone. Not only have I moved further from the coast so trips to the beach take a bit more planning; I now have three kids (and a husband) which takes a LOT more planning, and a LOT more stuff. What's in my beach bag

Let's start with the bag. I got this bag from KMart last summer. Its great for fitting so many things. Although it has a fastener at the top I have so much stuff in it to ever get it fastened.
  My beach bag

 And now for the contents. It amazes me how much I can fit in this bag - and it's not too difficult to carry.
  My beach bag contents

Now, let's unpack it!

1. The 'adult' beach towels

Adult beach towels
 The adult towels were Christmas presents we got about ten years ago and are doing us well. (I say adult towels because they belong to adults, but I'm not sure that a Sponge Bob towel really counts as 'adult'!)

2. The Children's beach towels

Kid's beach towels
 The children's towels came from KMart (aka Santa) this Christmas. I love the ice-cream one.

3. The Kids' Togs

Kids' togs T
he older two children's togs were bought at KMart (again!) last summer. And the CUTE Minnie Mouse number was a present from Scotland.

4. Our togs

Adult swimwear
 I've had my swimwear for a few years and can't remember where I got them. My husband's are a brand new pair from Hallensteins.

5. A toilet bag

Beach Toilet Bag 

 I keep some sunblock, lip balm, my phone, keys and money in a waterproof toilet bag. This one was a present I received a few years ago. I bought this sun block from Life Pharmacy recently. I thought it was a nice size for my beach bag. I always get dry lips when in the sun so I also purchased this lip balm. I thought it was the usual stick, but it turned out to be a cream.

Buckets and Spades6. Buckets and Spades 

 And finally for children's essential beach item - the buckets and spades! Amazingly, as well as all of the above I can fit THREE buckets and spades into my bag! I spent some time looking for small buckets. There seem to be a lot of large ones for sale at the moment, that come in sets with watering cans, rakes etc. but i just wanted something small. I eventually found these buckets at Pak n Save and the spades at my local 2 dollar shop. And that is the lot. Not much room for anything else! I'll carry the bag and my husband can carry the chilly-bin with the food and water bottles. Hopefully it won't be too long a walk from the car! Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a picture of the bag or contents in use as our trip to the beach over New Year was a wash out! It rained for the whole three days! Thankfully we were not camping! What do you carry in your beach bag? Let me know if I've forgotten anything - although, I'm not sure that I could fit much more!  

  Signature 1

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