Pregnancy // First Trimester Essentials

First Trimester Pregnancy Essentials

As you may have seen my post the other week, we are expecting! And if there's one thing most mothers to be can agree on it's that the first trimester is a huge period of adjustment. Mentally, physically, emotionally - it all changes! I've put together a list of things that have helped me to get through that first trimester which you may find use full!

I have had a pack of breath mints on me 24/7 lately. I've been super lucky and not had too much nausea but every time I feel slightly off I have a mint and it seems to keep it away for a while. 

Ginger Beer
This was my lifesaver in pregnancy number one. It helps with nausea also and it doesn't taste half bad!

I have always been a big water drinker and it's probably a good thing. I always carry a 1.5L bottle of water with me throughout the day and try and finish it. With it recently being summer and it being so hot I've sometimes re-filled it three times. Water is good for your body so I guess you can't OD on it! 

Lavender Oil 
Lavender has been amazing with helping to wind down at the end of the day. I have placed a few drops in the bath before bed, or on my pillow, or on my wrist's and temples and it helps to switch off. I love the smell of lavender and it has so many great points too it. Lavender can also be used as a pain relief. I got headaches quite bad throughout my first trimester and I would mix moisturiser and 2 drops of lavender together then apply to my temples for pain relief.

I'm Not Fat, I'm Pregnant!I'm Not Fat, I'm Pregnant!

'I'm Not Fat I'm Pregnant' by Jackie Brown 
If you haven't read this book then you need to. Jackie is a comedian who documents her pregnancy and symptom's in this hilarious book. It is so relateable and makes you feel so much better about the weird and wonderful symptoms of pregnancy (i.e. angry poo) that aren't often talked about. I highly recommend this book for any pregnant person! 

Glow Pregnancy App
A good pregnancy app is essential. You can meet mum's from all over the world, talk about your symptoms and it also shows you how your baby is developing. It's so nice to get little notification's each week about your baby's progress. It's one of the reassuring sign's that your wee baby is growing properly.

These are some things that have seriously helped surviving the first trimester. Seriously, go easy on yourself! If you feel like eating three cheeseburgers then do so because it's all about getting through this trimester and still being sane!

What have you found to be super helpful in the early stages of pregnancy? 

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