Pregnancy Update // Week's 15 - 17.

Pregnancy Update - Second TrimesterPregnancy Update - Second Trimester

Hi beauties! 
Welcome back to my first instalment of my pregnancy log's. Again one of my favourite blogger's Liza Prideaux did these throughout and you can check out her latest 40 week update here. I've kept a similar template and obviously will update it with  my own details each time I check in with you all. 
I'm about to go for my anatomy scan on the 4th of May so thought it might be nice to update you before I have that scan. I'm not sure if I want to find out the gender of baby yet (my son calls baby 'baby Ashby' so we will refer to baby as that) but if I do I will definitely let you know!

How far along? 17 Weeks + 6 Days

Maternity clothes: Not maternity clothes as such, but my clothes are all up a size or two. I'm getting quite uncomfortable in my clothes as t-shirts are riding up quite high and my pants are uncomfy. I'm living in leggings at the moment and plain t-shirt's. 

Sleep: Sleep has been good actually. My toddler wakes a couple times each night but settles quickly so im mainly woken by him but at the same time I don't think I could sleep through if I had the chance! We do lots of activities during the day which makes us super tired and easy to fall asleep.

Miss anything? Not really. A few of my friends have had a boozy few night's out and I had a little FOMO (Fear of missing out) and felt a little down. But that's nothing in the grand scheme of things! 

Movement: YES! First kick felt at 16 week's and have been feeling a couple little movements at night.

Food cravings: Not cravings as such. 

Gender: Unknown

Labour signs: N/A

Symptoms: N/A

Belly button in or out?  Still in! It didn't pop out until the later half of my pregnancy with my first.

Rings on or off? Rings are still on. By the end of the day all the water retention and bloating makes them a little tight on my finger's but I can still get them on and off relatively easy.

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy most of the time. I have had a few things make me cry my eyes out that are only minor. I feel like I can't really control the water works at the moment!

Best moment this week:  At a midwife visit this week I got to hear the heartbeat and the midwife said it was a 'good strong' heartbeat. It was also really special having my son at the midwife appointment and the seeing the smile on his face when he heard the heartbeat. 

Looking forward to: The anatomy scan and seeing everything on the screen. It's so nice to be able to see your baby and make sure it's growing correctly. 

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