Surprise Announcement // Update!

Pregnancy Announcement

Hi lovely readers!! 
First off, I want to say thank you for sticking by my blog for a while now! 
I know over the last wee while I have dropped publishing new content down to once a week but I have a valid reason for it......

Pregnancy Announcement

Yes! We're expecting baby number two! I'm now just about 15 weeks along so I thought it was about time I shared this with you. Baby number two is due end of September 2016. I have been documenting my first trimester symptom's as it's been a bit of a roller coaster! One of my favourite blog's Lisa Prideaux has documented her pregnancy throughout and I'm hopefully going to do the same - energy levels permitting!

I've started from week eight which is where I remembered to write things down! 

Week Eight 
Headaches. All day every day. I am starting to question whether something else is wrong and have been back to the doctor only to have him tell me I need to just take panadol. It's getting pretty bad. I am constantly using lavender oil or peppermint oil to try and relieve the tension and I've even youtubed how to give myself a head massage for stress. 
I also have an ear ache but my pregnancy books tell me that that is also completely normal and to let it heal itself.

Week Nine
For some time now I've had really sore gums. Like not tooth ache but gum ache. I have been putting off going to the dentist because I hate them and then I read my bounty book about what to expect when pregnant. Ginger Vitus. Yep. Pregnancy affects my teeth too apparently.

Week Ten
This week hasn't been too bad. I've just felt slightly nauseous in the evenings which is odd because all the books I've read tell me that from this week nausea should be reducing! Thank goodness for ginger beer! Hopefully I can start to enjoy this pregnancy soon and tell people so they understand why i'm cancelling plans all the time. 

Week Eleven 
I feel pretty human this week...touch wood. No headaches, nausea or sore gums. Hopefully this means we're on the flip side of the first trimester! Energy levels have been great. I've been trying to walk around the block with my toddler once a day if the weather is good and it's really helping us both.

Week Twelve
I'm pretty excited to have made it to week twelve. The risk of miscarriage reduces significantly after now and I feel comfortable to start telling a few of my friend's. I've had my ear's micro vacuumed out and now I have no tooth aches, headache's and I'm sleeping so much better!  Yay for a good week!

Week Thirteen 
Visited my midwife today who wasn't too concerned about my iron levels so I've stopped taking my iron supplement's. I'm feeling ok! Still have energy and am trying to still keep up with Mr 2 but come three o'clock I need a strong coffee to keep me going until bedtime.

Week Fourteen
I made a visit to the dentist the other day who confirmed that it was my gums causing pain and that it was pregnancy related. They gave my gums a good clean and gave me some strong wouthwash to use. The mouthwash has helped a lot and so now i'm not as cranky. We have told all our friends and family and it's been a lovely response. My son is also very excited to have a baby coming into the family!

I'm nearing closer to the second trimester now so will keep updating you as I go along. Thanks for sharing this journey with me! 

Lipstick and love! xx

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