Pregnancy Update // Week's 18 - 20

Pregnancy Update

Pregnancy Update

How far along? I'm currently 20 week's! 

Maternity clothes: Yes. Definitely in maternity bra's now. I got so uncomfortable and had to go on a hunt for a comfy maternity bra but because I'm a bustier girl it was so hard to find affordable ones. Kmart has a very small selection for the smaller size's and I actually found one at cotton on body. It is comfy but literally, the next day I was busting out of it. So the consultant that fitted me either got it wrong or my body changed a massive amount overnight.

Sleep: Sleep has been ok. I tend to fall asleep anywhere at night and most night's I end up in my toddler's bed when I resettle him. 

Miss anything? Not so much miss it but there have been moment's where i've thought 'Awh a nice glass of red would go well with dinner tonight' but that's only something minor in the scheme of things!

Movement: Yes!! Every night I have been feeling kick's. They are becoming stronger and stronger by the day but still not hard enough to feel on the outside. 

Food cravings: Gherkins. Like I kid you not. For those of you who are overseas these are the pickled onion's in your cheeseburgers from McDonald's.  After making a mad dash to maccas at 2 pm I asked for "3 times the extra amount" and I clarified that I didn't want three extra pieces. I wanted three times the amount. Stoked that I got 16 extra gherkins! 
Turns out it's a salt deficiency and I needed to add more salt to my diet. It's also a very common craving for pregnant women!

Gender: We're having a ...... boy!

Labour signs: N/A

Symptoms:  Baby is on my sciatica nerve alot especially in the evening.

Belly button in or out? In. I don't know if it will completely pop out.

rings on or off? On. There has been a couple night's where it's been a little tricky getting them off before bed. 

Happy or moody most of the time? Mostly happy. I've had a few day's where i've been so tired and felt emotional but it hasn't been too bad. 

Best moment this week: The scan was great. We had to go back for a second anatomy scan because baby wasn't moving his head off his chest so the sonogrophers needed a good look at his heart. When we went back for the follow up scan baby was so active and had his legs over his head. It was really great to see! 

Looking forward to: My son's third birthday party next weekend! Not too much else planned just yet in terms of this baby but we have a busy few weeks with my toddler which im looking forward too. 

Thanks for reading my latest pregnancy update. Have you had or heard of anyone with weird cravings like mine? 

Lipstick and love! xxx

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