Pregnancy Update // Week's 27 - 30

Bump Update - Third Trimester

Hi beauties! 
Wow the third trimester is off to a roaring start. I never thought that it would approach this quickly. I'm starting to put together the nursery and sort out all the newborn clothes so it's becoming more and more realistic as the days pass by. I hope you enjoy this update! 

How far along? 30 weeks and 6 days.

Maternity clothes: Heck yes. No avoiding them now unfortunately! I have found comfort in kmart leggings and jeans from jeanswest. 

Sleep: Sleep is good. I am pretty tired at the moment and struggle to get through the day without a nap but I have just increased my iron tablets so hopefully they kick in soon.

Miss anything? My feet?! It has been a while since i've seen them. But apart from that im not missing anything really. Just trying to enjoy the last bit of pregnancy.

Movement: Heaps of movement. Baby normally has a dance part between 3 and 5am. Hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come!

Food cravings:  I haven't craved anything as such. I wanted dumplings the other night after seeing it on television but it wasn't strong enough to really call it a craving.

Gender: Boy

Labour signs: I have had braxton hicks a few weekends ago. I also feel like baby is engaged but will check with the midwife when I next see her.

Symptoms: See above

Belly button in or out? I haven't actually checked! I did think about this the other day though. I feel like it's about 80% popped out but im not sure mine actually popped with my first.

rings on or off? There is only one finger that fits my rings now! 

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy but sensitive.

Best moment this week:  I actually had a maternity shoot done. It was fantastic. I really felt connected to my bump and felt confident. This is something I have struggled with this pregnancy. Keeping up with a toddler you don't really get time to sit and watch your bump and bond with it but doing this helped. I also loved that my partner and son were included in the photo's too. 

Maternity Photoshoot
Photo Credit - S L S Photography
Looking forward to: I have a scan approaching at 32 weeks which im looking forward too. I never got one after 20 week's with my first so I cant wait to take a sneak peek at bubs now before he arrives.  I also have a 'baby sprinkle' coming up which I will share with you. 

Thanks for reading!

Lipstick and love! xx

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