How To Fuel Your Soul While Being A Mum

Being a  parent is the toughest (and most rewarding) thing that you could ever do. It's ridiculous to think that we love someone else so much we would literally do anything for them. For example have you ever toIlet trained a four year old and had a whole new meaning to the word 'booty call'?!

But it's important not to let ourselves get completely lost in the #mumlife trenches. Ive put together a list of ways in which we can change some of the every day things we do to help us feel better and more content. 

How easy is it to make sure our kids aren't having junk food, they're eating their fruit and they always have some greens on their plate at dinner? It is like top priority! But do you find yourself grabbing an energy drink and chocolate bar on the way to school pick up? 
I have noticed in my kids if they eat good food they behave so well. So we owe it to ourselves to give our bodies the same good stuff. 

Let's be real - NO ONE is a perfect mum. We all forget our kids book bags every now and again and feel like we have failed them. But truth is were not perfect so don't be too hard on yourself if you find yourself falling short one day. 
Also remember that that is a standard you have set for yourself. No one else is judging you on it. The class teacher wont be mad if you do forget that book bag - she will understand your human like the rest of us. 

Probably one of the hardest things to do is learn to say no but once you do you will not regret it. We make sure that our kids don't over commit themselves and head down the one way street to a burnout so don't feel bad if you purely just don't want to do something. 
Also in saying that don't feel like you have to make excuses. I am the worst for justifying it to everyone by saying 'no because such and such a is on' when in fact you don't owe it to anyone to justify a no! 

I have written many of posts in the past about how easy it is to lose your sense of self while being a mum and one of the things you need to do is remember who you are, what you love and what you stand for. 
Do you like playing twilight netball? Do you like painting? Dancing? Whatever it may be find a group that has adult night classes and go for it! Doing something you love will increase those endorphins and leave you feeling supppper happy! 

In my house i'm big on validating. If someone says something, especially one of the kids, we always make sure we validate that we heard what they're saying. Even if it's a 'that's good' when they're telling us the same story for the fourth time. Just like when they have a tantrum we acknowledge and validate that they are upset because of such and such. 
Do the same to yourself. Are you feeling a bit down because you forgot that book bag? That's ok. Your allowed to feel that way. Once you have acknowledged it simply leave it and move on. Tomorrow is a new day. 

I hope you have found something usefull in these tips. 

Remember, you are important too mama!

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