Summer Festival Survival Guide

Festival Survival Guide

One of the best things about summer is the late nights, endless hours of sunshine and all the concerts that come with it. Just to name a few that are happening in Christchurch this summer are Six60 on New Years Eve and the Electric Avenue Festival on Waitangi Day.

But going with your girls can end up quite messy, especially after a few drinks. So it's important that you are all on the same page when it comes to finding each other and making the most out of the festival. Here are some tips that will help you and your crew have an amazing time!

1) Make a promise with your wolf pack
There's always someone who doesn't listen but try get you and your girls all on the same page. Set your priorities out before there. Are you more concerned about watching Shapeshifter play on the main stage or do you want to cruise around and catch glimpses of as many bands as you can? Stay with your girl's and no one gets ditched for a guy! Mates before dates ladies!

2) Set a meeting point.
Need to debrief? Need to re group? Need to borrow someone's phone to text mum and tell her your ok? Find a meeting point that is going to stick out and be obvious for everyone and a time that works. For example, 5pm at the tent and everyone must be there. That way you can catch up on the goss, make sure everyone is ok and then continue the party.

3) Make sure your phone is completely charged. 
Making sure your phone is completely charged before a festival is key. Phones can do so much these days and hold your life on them so you don't want to be stuck without them. Always make sure you have a portable phone charger (My partner picked one up from eBay relatively cheap) and also have a car charger handy too so one of your girls can charge hers at the same time.

4) Stay Hydrated!
Your body needs at least 8 glasses of water a day, normally. So when your partying in the sun all day, dancing and having a few bevvies (responsibly, of course!) then you need to keep the H2O flowing. Your body needs so much water to function properly and you will become ill if you don't keep your fluids up. If you have left it too long and you need some hydrating promptly then drink something with electrolytes like a powerade. 

5) Keep your shoes on!
Dont be gross. You never know what you could stand on, so keep your shoes on! 

6) Matte lipstick for the win.
Now is the time to pull out those lipsticks that you have to scrub intensely to remove. Calling all jefree star, Ruby Woo and those superstay lippy's that are hidden at the back of your draw. Put them on and rock it! That way you are guaranteed to still look hot in all photos throughout the day. 

Which festivals are you eyeing up this summer? 

Lipstick and Love xx

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